James Blachly is Music Director of Geneva Light Opera. What is true, and what is real? In Mozart’s music, there is always more than meets the eye, and very little that is black and white. Don Giovanni is, in some sense our hero, since it is his story. But he is also the villain; the original title of the opera was “The Scoundrel Punished.” We come to a performance of this opera knowing that he will get his just reward — that he will be dragged to a fiery punishment at the end. Even so, the story is told in such a way that many people find themselves rooting for him until the end, while also cheering when he is dragged to hell. Every production of Don Giovanni has to decide how much to portray the title character as a lover or a murderer, as a hero or villain. Ultimately, Don Giovanni is a study in contradictions. He is both a nobleman of high station and a callous brute whose servant complains of his sloppiness while he eats; he is seductive and cruel; rash and cunning; foolish, risking all for seemingly meaningless victories, and also ultimately fearless even in the face of death. We at the Geneva Light Opera have tried in our production of Don Giovanni to reveal all of the above, and more, in this marvelous work. Under the expert stage direction of Phil Lauriat, our internationally renowned cast and orchestra will entice the audience with superb music-making and dramatic insights. (via)]]>